2/27 – Half Marathon Training

Today’s lesson: easy is a relative term.

HardestAfter yesterday’s speedwork, my legs were pretty drained and I could feel a lack of pep as I walked out the door and that feeling didn’t change as I got into my workout.

No joke, this was the most difficult “easy” run I have had in my two years back as a runner.My breathing was easy and even, so the pace was right – my legs were just incredibly tired. I’m looking forward to tomorrow’s cross-training just to give my lower body a break.

Since today was an easy day on the schedule, I debated having a pre-workout gel or not. But as I said, my legs were dead as soon as I woke up and the last thing I want is to not finish my workout because I bonked. So I grabbed a GU Roctane in Blueberry/Pomegranate on the way out.

The Roctane series contains additional caffeine, which I don’t mind in a gel. I have had mixed results with “Pomegranate” flavored things in the past, so I was a bit hesitant. But the blueberry & pomegranate meshed well and was pretty tasty. The thickness was standard for a GU – thick and heavy.

Today’s workout: 5mi, easy pace (8:00/mi)

After a quick warmup & stretching session, I went right into my run. I fell into my standard 7:30/mi pace for easy runs, but it was a bit more of a push than usual. It was going to be an interesting run, no doubt.

I could feel an ache working through my hamstrings and abductors as I passed the halfway point, fortunately I was plenty warmed up and was able to just watch it. It never got worse, so it was just from yesterday I figure.

Not much to say past that for this run. “Easy” run with no drama on the track – another day, another training run in the books. Tomorrow is cross-training/rest, and I could use it.

Garmin Connect for 2/27 training run

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