3/11 – Half Marathon Training (sort of…)


If anybody has been following along, you will have noticed there was no training post yesterday. While it was a rest day, it actually was a sick day.

Perhaps it was at the YMCA, perhaps it was at the tri expo. But somewhere I went I picked up a nasty bug that laid me out like a semi truck. It not only kept me away from training (which I planned on for a rest day), it kept me out if class (which I certainly did not plan).

Today was no better. When my alarm went off at 5:00am, I actually could not pull myself out of bed. Only the dog needing to be let out got me on my feet. Even then, it was shaky.

So no training run today. And Magic 8-Ball says “Outlook not so good” for tomorrow, too. Now I’m going to chug NyQuil and sleep.

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